You have started a business.
Keen to not miss any opportunity, you are agreeing to all sorts of things.
Here are 5 reasons you need to say NO to make your business a success:
Your time is valuable
Value yourself and your time.

You will never get a day back again and nothing is as priceless as your time.
We often waste time and energy on something that doesn’t work out. Learn and move on. Don’t beat yourself up for time wasted but do take the lessons from what you don’t wish to repeat!
Set Boundaries
Set regular time in your diary for growing and developing your business and honour this as if it was the most important event EVER.
Family and friends do not always appreciate how disciplined we need to be working for ourselves and may think you are available. It’s your job to educate them as to when you are free and when you cannot be disturbed (except in a real emergency).
Some people are just time vampires. Make sure you set boundaries with them and personally. Stick to them.
Set start and end times for meetings, let the other person know how long they have with you.
Be a good time-keeper, so you are not on the back foot apologising for being late and allowing this to blur boundaries.
Stick to your principles
Why did you start your business?
If you went through my start-up training this is the first module we cover. Without knowing your why, it’s difficult to plot your path, keep to your long-term strategy.
It’s never just about the money. The money is a lovely bonus, but you didn’t start what you are doing just for money.
There were other reasons involved.
Take a moment to remind yourself of what you want to achieve, and where you want to go.
Are you allowing someone or something to dictate the direction of your business? Do you need to say no to someone or something, so you stay true to your path?
It’s your choice
You get to choose.
One of the most wonderful things about running your own business is you get to do things the way you want to.
I work Monday to Saturday but in a flexible manner. Except in exceptional circumstances, I don’t work on a Sunday, as that is my family time.
During the week, I take time out to do things like play tennis or meet with friends. It’s not full-time Monday to Saturday, it’s when I want to work, factoring in what works for my customers too of course (like a weekend option). Some years ago I stopped offering evening workshops as they made me too tired. I want balance in my life.
You choose when you say no.
Look after yourself
Most importantly, take some time for yourself.

If you need to re-charge it’s so important that you allow some time each week doing those things you love. Exercise, nature, good food and hydration, sleep, quiet time. Whatever it takes – make sure you say no to those things that stop you from looking after yourself.
It’s empowering to say NO. You may find it a little worrying or difficult initially. If you focus on what you want to achieve and stick to your guns, you will find the decision process becomes more obvious.
Until you need to say YES!