Ever dared to dream about running your own business?
All your focus is on how good you are at making/doing your thing. You will be feeling some fear, wondering if you are good enough to attract people to buy from you. Are you brave enough to take it further?
Starting a business is much like becoming a parent for the first time. You will have had time to prepare and get ready to ‘birth’ your business idea, read books and listened to sound advice, and some not-so-sound advice too (how many people have told you starting a business is a bad idea? More on this below….). Start running your own business and you will be amazed at the things that are about to happen.
Just like parenting, we have no clue what is about to unfold, we learn as we go. No child behaved as per the book, and no business journey will be just as you planned.
Here are 10 surprising things about running your own business. Things you’ll come to realise about yourself. Personal growth. The wonderful opportunities. The sheer magic that will open up to you…
YOU are BOSS material

Step up and discover your true potential…
Say goodbye to the old you and unleash your vision and passion onto the world, your way. You will:
- Set the tone and ‘personality of your business.
- Make all the decisions.
- Take total responsibility for everything – good and bad.
- Decide what you do, when and with whom
Once you become the boss there’s no going back!
YOU can live with FEAR

Everything you’ve ever desired is on the other side of fear…
Understand that however uncomfortable it feels, it’s a sign that you are doing things right.
You are growing and stretching comfort zones and on the other side of fear is learning, growth, fulfilment and an incredible sense of achievement.
Recognise fear as your friend and you will fly.
YOU can change your STORY
Forget one day, it’s day one…
You’ve been telling yourself so many stories about what you are able to do. Or, more likely, not able to do. As time goes on you realise that’s all they are – stories.
What do you tell yourself you’re rubbish at?
Or not willing to do?
Tell yourself a new story.
Instead of saying “I’m rubbish at presenting”, or “I never do lives – I hate them.”
Say instead, “I’m going to follow some experts and improve my presenting skills.”
Or “I challenge myself to do one live each week and see how I get on.”
Hey, you might even learn to love the thing you’ve avoided the most!
YOU can say NO
Empower yourself to do what you truly want to…

Running your own business, you get to stick to your principles. You decide who to work with. And you decide when it’s not worth the time and effort.
You find yourself agreeing to everything, scared to turn work down at the outset. Remember why you started, what you wish to achieve, how you intend to get there, exactly what don’t you want to do – and stick to it!
It’s very powerful to say no when you are saying it with good reason. You are not missing an opportunity if it’s not what you want. Saying no means you are freeing time to do the stuff you love.
YOU can take a RISK
If you win, you win, if you lose, you learn…
Can you spot potential?
Will this opportunity lead you down a new path that you have not thought of before?
Nothing ventured, nothing gained, and we learn so much from our mistakes.
Say ‘yes’ – without knowing exactly how you will achieve what you have been asked to do. You will find a way. Once you have committed to deliver, you will be amazed at how your brain goes into overdrive. You find who and what you need to make it happen. You make that thing you thought impossible – possible.
YOU can be PROUD
Even if it’s a disaster darling, you are at least trying…

You are about to be featured in the press. Invited to speak on a radio show. Appear on TV. Give a talk or presentation to a large group. Enter that competition and win awards. These are all things that have happened to me, so now it’s your turn.
I gained some fabulous PR by writing off to the local press. I engaged with journalists on social media and got featured in The Sun and The Independent. I have won several Entrepreneurial and Customer Service awards and been on numerous radio shows and TV. Go make yourself proud.
Sometimes s**t happens – you have something meaningful to get lost in…
This wonderful tapestry we call life, has a habit of throwing a curveball. Bereavement, separation, illness, hardships – we all face them at some point.
Running your own business means you have something to focus on and dedicate yourself to when things are really difficult. It can be a wonderful and welcome distraction.
It’s absorbing and interesting and all yours and you can put as much (or as little) into it as you wish.
When life happens, you have something to distract you or engage you or something you can leave alone for a bit.
Whatever it takes.
No more shrinking to fit things you’ve outgrown…

Running your own business is an education. You will expand your mind, grow and develop yourself as much as your business.
You will find mentors, organisations, and groups that support and challenge you. You will learn new skills, move with technology (you have no choice), speak, write, and create new products/offerings for your business.
You will begin to support and mentor others too as they seek your counsel.
There is no standing still, you are either shrinking or growing.
YOU will build your IDENTITY
It emerges from within when you dare to show up…
What’s your purpose?
What now that the all-consuming responsibilities have changed?
Did you lose yourself and your confidence along the way?
Running your own business builds your identity. You become known as the ‘whatever you are doing’ lady or man. You achieve goals. You gain a sense of achievement. You are working in a way that you enjoy. You are authentic and true to your values. It builds your confidence and you discover yourself again.
YOU will have FUN
Time flies…

It’s not all about running the business.
You work and play on your terms.
A day off to do something you fancy. A long lunch and catch up with a friend. Holidays when it suits, longer trips, or lots of smaller trips instead – pop them in the diary and work around it.
You don’t need permission from anyone but yourself.
You may have to work longer or ideally smarter to achieve/afford your time off but honour yourself and protect your fun/leisure time.
If running your own business means conquering fears, exploring opportunities, growing as a person, and realising just some of your amazing potential – how could you not give it a go?
As mentioned earlier, so many will try and put you off starting at all…..
They might believe it’s a risky strategy.
They might believe it’s the wrong time.
Or have you simply made them jealous because they’ve never dared to try?
Doing this alone is never easy. We are prone to overthink, procrastinate, listen to the doubters and give up. We are always better together, as long as we choose the right people to support and encourage us along the way. Visit my Facebook page for more inspiration!
I started my business journey with chocolate. Imagine if you worked with chocolate, how tasty might that be?