I’m slightly ashamed to admit, it’s been 10 months since my last blog post.
When I decided to start a blog on my website, I went to blog school (it was fab, fun and I learned some cool stuff). We were taught some nifty tricks to make our blog more successful, one of them ensuring we mastered the art of catchy titles to try and get our audience to read what we had written……10 reasons…..7 mistakes……. 5 lessons (you get the idea).
10 Months since my last blog doesn’t really cut it in algorithm-sexiness, but I just thought I needed to start again and it’s the truth. I haven’t written my blog for 10 months because life got in the way. I have still been working hard in my business delivering my workshops and meeting lots of lovely people, but I stopped writing.

Why did I stop?
Maybe it requires a different energy? Perhaps as you are sitting on the laptop trying to create a mood, or impart some knowledge or enthusiasm you need to be in a certain mindset.
I could come up with excuses:
- After a bit of time, I got out of the habit.
- Even though I gathered things to blog about, I had no enthusiasm to turn them into a post.
- My creativity seemed to dry up.
- I lost my writing voice.
- Others needed more of my time.
- Sad things happened, and I felt too sad to write anything.
When I meet you at my workshops, I am already in host mode and focused on giving you the best time I can (with lots of chocolate to help). That comes naturally to me, it’s important that I deliver to the best of my ability, you are in the room and there is nowhere to hide. Here’s a link to ‘a day in my chocolate shoes‘.
What made me start again?
In all honesty, I’m not sure. My energy has changed. Sad things are still around, but they are often around for many of us and it can be about finding a way to navigate life with all the sadness that comes as part of the package.
Maybe we just need time.
I have the luxury of being my own boss, so there is no one forcing me to do any of these things. I do love to share and enthuse about all the things I’m passionate about, and I feel a sense of duty to serve, support, and encourage you with things I might be able to help you with. Here’s a blog from the archive about how to get great results with your chocolate creations.
I could have embraced AI and created blogs that would have filled the gaps over the past months. That’s not me. It’s from my heart/hand or it’s not written.
After such a gap, I could have just decided to remove the blog and never return to writing. The good people at Penguin, share some tips for writers block here. My blog contains plenty of chocolate knowledge, that I love to share with other enthusiasts, life and business lessons and I feel I’ve put a lot of effort and energy into my blog and business, so it’s worth me just dusting myself off and getting back on the blog train. In all honesty, we can all often know the right thing to do, and be great and giving good advice to others that we should be giving to ourselves!
It’s good to be back
I’ve got some lovely foodie trips and travels to share over the coming weeks.
After a mad Easter week at Standalone Farm (where I delivered workshops for 200 little ones and their parents/carers), there were some fabulous lessons learned in prepping for such a lot of events that I would love to pass on. I wrote about this before and I will have some updates to add.
In chocolate news, we are seeing prices continue to rise and I would like to share a bit more about what’s going on in the chocolate world and how I have been trying to manage increasing costs within my business.
Anything, in particular, you would like me to cover (that’s in my scope of knowledge)? Please feel free to pop over to my Facebook page and say and I will do my best to accommodate.
Thank you for your patience. It was very welcome.