Whether it’s the best eggs to buy, running the best egg hunt, enjoying a special lunch, or munching on a delicious hot cross bun with a cuppa, read on for some Easter inspiration.

The Easter Bunny recommends….
The Best Easter Eggs
Good Housekeeping has done all the Easter Egg research for you this year.

Chocolatiers and supermarkets submitted their recommendations to the Good Housekeeping Institute. They actually tested 135 eggs (are you now thinking you need a new job?). Hot Cross Bun Egg anyone?
These are the categories they cover:
- Milk chocolate Easter eggs
- White and blonde chocolate Easter eggs
- Dark chocolate Easter eggs
- Kids Easter eggs
- Vegan Easter eggs
The Best Easter Egg Hunt

If you want to try some alternative ideas for your hunt this year, Country Living Magazine has come up with 27 creative hunt ideas for indoors and out and including online options.
The Best Hot Cross Buns
I love a hot cross bun.
I’ve tried making them, they are a lot of work and mine were a bit of a disaster. Hot Cross Rocks would have been the better description! There are so many varieties to choose from these days.
Here’s a list of good supermarket buys from Olive magazine. Alternative options include dark chocolate and ginger and a white chocolate and lemon version mmm.
The Best Easter Lunch
The BBC Good Food team has come up with the ultimate Easter lunch menu. It does sound rather tasty:
- Pea, mint & spring onion soup with parmesan biscuits to start
- Roast lamb studded with rosemary & garlic (they also give plenty of veggie alternatives), served with dauphinoise potatoes, spring vegetables, and lemon & thyme baby carrots
- Chocolate egg baked tart
I’m very pleased to see they ended the meal with chocolate. If you want more chocolate pud inspiration, try these.
Whether you celebrate Easter or not, I do hope you are able to enjoy some downtime with family and friends and of course add lots of chocolate into the mix too.
Happy Easter