You’ve started your business and you are so excited and want to share your wonderful concept with the world.

Immediately the fears creep in. What if someone else thinks it’s a good idea and tries to steal it.
When is it right to trust or not to trust that instinct?
The wrong tone
That spirit of fear, or distrust, is now contaminating your copy.
You temper your tone and are careful who you mention, keeping the attention firmly on yourself and not crediting anyone else.
Perhaps you are a bit cagey about exactly what’s on offer – you don’t wish to give too many secrets away.
The right energy
There is an art to gaining attention and drip-feeding content for momentum and a big reveal. Done with fear your energy will be off.
Trust in yourself and your product or service and be open to sharing.
Ask yourself, what is that fear really about?
It is doubt about whether you are good enough? Do you have a fear about someone else being better than you? Are you feeling the dreaded imposter syndrome?
Recognise this for what it really is. Take some time before you write, post, call and share your news to get in the right positive energy.
Get over yourself
Usually your business concept will be done by someone already – there is very rarely a completely unique idea.
Do some market research. Who is the competition and what are they offering? Don’t go down that rabbit hole of not being as good as them. Remember, you are the unique element of what you offer as nobody can do you. Get over yourself and own that talent that got you here in the first place!
Competition can be a good thing. Coffee anyone? How many artisan coffee shops are in your local town? Which ones do you visit? The one or two that resonate with you, that have the friendly barista or your favourite cake? So everyone comes to your town for great coffee – not everyone chooses the same coffee shop. People will choose you, the others are not the enemy.
What are you missing?
Could you collaborate with another outfit that is similar to yours? Do you offer an element that they don’t and visa versa, meaning you can offer a bigger or better package to your clients?
What about the possibility of sending work to each other when you are too busy? Have a grown-up conversation at the outset about the arrangement and keep a note of what happens. If you are willing and open to try it may work out really well for both parties. If not, you can politely withdraw from the arrangement at any time.
Act with fear and shut others out and you may damage your reputation in the community.
You can get burnt
There is always a risk in working with others – but that attitude of mistrusting everyone will not serve you well in business.
Work out the upside and the potential downside.
Go back to your strategy. Can this relationship/arrangement help you achieve your goals?
Obviously we have all had a bad experience, one that we wish we had not allowed to happen, but you will learn so much more from the odd mistake.
With experience you become more confident about your decision-making process and know when it’s right to trust or not to trust that opportunity or person.
Are you ready to start your own business (with or without chocolate) and feel that fear but do it anyway – trust yourself and put your faith and trust in the good ones out there. Good luck.