Most people will think that a fear of failure would stop them from starting something out of their comfort zone. If you don’t start something you can’t fail, so surely it’s far easier not to start.

I beg to differ.
While fear of failure can prevent you from starting, far more powerful is your fear of success.
Let’s explore this a little more:
It’s personal
Do you believe that you deserve to succeed in whatever you set your mind to?
When you consider something that you really would like to do, can you imagine doing well at it? If you do imagine doing well, what emotions does that stir up for you?
Were you always told to be modest and humble, not to brag? Do you need to hide your potential success, so don’t try and achieve as much as you might be capable of?
Does success mean being busy, working all the time, and having no time to play? If you keep it safe and smaller, although you are bored or unfulfilled some of the time, is it better than being too busy?
Your relationships
Might you upset someone with a level of success? Will your success make you different in the eyes of friends, family, or partners? Do you believe some of your network would not like you if you gained a level of success?
Are you always the supporter in your relationships? What if that changed with you as the achiever, the most successful, the breadwinner?
If you were super-successful, what support would you need?
Where might success lead for you? Does it mean you might leave some behind, or be faced with life-changing decisions?
Money Blocks

Success may or may not have anything to do with money.
What is your relationship like with money?
Is there a level of money that would make you uncomfortable?
Do you believe you deserve to have money?
You need Denise Duffield Thomas – she is an Entrepreneur that focuses on our relationships with money.
I always recommend her book ‘Get Rich, Lucky Bitch’ to everyone on my business start-up course. She advocates that we all have money blocks. Emotions buried deep in our belief system stop us from reaching our next level of success. We need to identify and clear the blocks to move on.
Dare to Dream

What does success look like for you?
Dare to dream as big as you can. Forget all those labels, responsibilities, and worries, and take some time to identify what would be a wonderful achievement for you.
You might want to become super fit and healthy, eat differently
Write a book
Take on a role or job that you never dreamed possible
Learn a new hobby, instrument, sport, skill
Plant trees, take up volunteering, save the planet (we need you)
If you fail you’ve learned.
You may never reach your potential if you are too scared of being super-successful. It doesn’t have to be some huge grand scheme, it’s whatever success looks like for you.
Why not come and tell us all about it – let’s make it real!