It’s cold, damp, and still quite dark. The twinkly lights are down, and if you are anything like us, Christmas was a bit of a write-off thanks to Covid.
Who could blame anyone suffering a bit of January blues right now?

My top tip for making this month bearable – start planning your holiday(s).
How to beat the January blues – get excited about the trips you might be taking in 2022!
Who will be going?
Is it a family trip? Are you tied to the school holidays? Are you going with friends?
What sort of holiday will suit all the people as much as possible?

It’s easy to get rather rose-tinted spectacles when imagining your lovely family holiday. What’s the reality?
Some of us don’t get on well with the heat, while others in the family don’t consider it a proper holiday without some serious sunshine. If f we are on a hot holiday I ensure there are easy swimming options. Ideal for those that overheat.
Action-packed adventures or roasting on a spit reading the latest rom-com? There’s bound to be a bit of everything required.
It can be quite a responsibility to choose a holiday to suit all that are going.
What’s the budget?
Many of us may sit down at the beginning of the year and wonder if a holiday will be possible financially. They can be a huge investment.
Our philosophy has always been to make a holiday possible, even if we have to compromise on other things.

We love our holidays so much we decided that fewer meals out or cooking on a budget are well worth doing to achieve a trip away.
We love a bit of camping or glamping – here’s why.
For some, without a bit of luxury, you may prefer to stay at home. Staying at home doesn’t do it for me, especially when I’m trying to beat the January blues. If a full-blown holiday is not possible, maybe that a mini-break will be more suitable instead.
Where would you like to go?
OK, right now it may be a little difficult to pick any place and know with confidence that you can get there.
Let’s hope we can travel more freely soon.
Make a list of the destination(s) you would most like to go to for your holiday and get planning. Look up hotels, villas, or campsites. What are the local tourist attractions, what do the restaurants, cafes, and bars look like? This all helps in the getting excited stakes.
Do you need a backup plan?
The past two years have taught us that the best-laid plans don’t always come to fruition. Can you create a backup plan?

Would a holiday in the UK work for you?
Make a list of all the places that you haven’t yet visited in the UK that you would like to explore some more. Isle of Mull anyone?
If like us you have a dog, a UK cottage, or a camping break could be just the thing to get excited about and you know you are more likely to be able to go!

European Adventures
For years I planned our extensive camping trips all over Europe during the month of January. There will be more to come I’m sure, even if it sadly won’t be as easy as it used to be.
This involved choosing the campsites we wanted to visit in various destinations. I then worked out a route, with hotel stops, or mini-camps en-route.
It’s taken years of making mistakes to know what works best for us. Like not doing big transfers on a Friday or Saturday. Knowing how long we can spend in the car on a big trip, and how many stopovers will be required.
For hotels, I usually use as I want the flexibility of being able to cancel if necessary.
For camping, it’s Cool Camping all the way.
Eventually, everything would go onto an extensive itinerary which I would present to our friends (that we usually go camping with) and we all start to get excited.
The point of this is that there are not only different countries to get excited about visiting. There are the campsites, our epic journeys and quirky hotel stops along the way too!
Adding in some extras
It might be a weekend away with the girls or boys.

A treehouse stay in the woods with the dog.
An overnight stop in a City.
Any trip away can count in the beating the January blues campaign – come and tell us where you are planning to visit in 2022. Safe and happy travels to you.