When did you last take a moment and think deeply about what motivates you, what’s most important to you, and what makes you tick?
It does not have to be profound and/or huge (although I’m sure we could all agree on world peace and an end to suffering). The smallest things can be so important. Whatever is real and meaningful for you matters most.

If you want to start your own business, then it’s imperative to work out the reasons behind your decision for doing so. Without being tuned into your ‘why’ you will lack focus, drive, and ambition to realise your dreams. So, what’s your why?
Where do you start?
Break down your life into general segments and review each to see where you are on a scale of 1 to 10.
1 being it’s not working well at all to 10 being just perfect for you. Think about where you are now and be honest. This will help you score more accurately.
- Work
- Home
- Health/Fitness
- Family/Friends
- Money
What’s your dream?
Do the exercise again, this time daring to describe each category as a true dream scenario for you.
What would absolutely fantastic look like for you?
I would like to pass on the wise words of a well-read coach I worked with (Paul Webb), which is ‘suspend disbelief’. If we use our logical brain, we will be telling ourselves all the things we can’t achieve, if you are able for the moment to suspend disbelief then surely anything is possible!
Focusing on the work element – what would having your own business mean for you? Really spend some time imagining working in a way that you want to, doing what you love and earning some money too.
It will not just be about the money. There will be so much more to it than that. The freedom, the chance to be creative, to be able to spend more quality time with family or friends, to pursue passions whether within or outside of work.
Mind the Gap
What life elements are furthest away from where you want to be?
Where in your life need some focus and attention?
Can you start to take some small steps to achieve more balance? You may not be able to tackle everything at once, but acknowledging where you are and taking small steps to improve or change a given situation (or even to acknowledge that there is nothing you can do right now to change it) will help.
What did you notice?
So which bits about your life filled you with the most joy?
What did you find easiest to think about, dream about?
What fired up your passions?
Or maybe, what came so easily that you hardly realised it happening – because that bit is where your personal magic lies! The stuff that comes to you with ease, that doesn’t ever feel difficult, that gives you pleasure, where time literally flies – that is where you need to send some focus.
Watch this Space
Keep a diary, make a note, reflect and record. Now you are tuned in to what is happening, try and find out the bit that makes you sing more than anything else.
Add in the elements of trying to find more balance in your whole life and it’s from there that you can start to identify your why.
It’s not just about you
I was training someone recently to start their own chocolate workshop business where they live. They asked me what’s the point of what I do.
I thought it was a good question, without hesitation I showed this photo:

This picture sums up exactly what I want for my customers.
It really matters to me that everyone has a good time. I spend time creating the best possible customer experiences with chocolate that I am capable of delivering. The fact that people are spending their hard-earned cash with me is something I would never take for granted.
Although I need to own the responsibility for my business and what I offer, it’s not just about what I want. What do my customers want or need and how can I deliver that for them. How can I meet and hopefully exceed expectations?
What’s next?
Good luck with discovering your why. Will you dare to take the next steps and put a plan into action?
You will start to experience some fear, that’s normal, when faced with change we are bound to experience fear, but it will hopefully also be mixed with excitement! Now it’s time to take some action.
Your why, the thing that makes you tick, may just be something that helps, inspires, motivates or brings some joy to another.